In May 2020 Scottish prosecutors charged journalist Mark Hirst for comments he made arising from the Alex Salmond trial. Mark's trial took place on the 7th of January 2021 where he was acquitted after the Court ruled "there was no case to answer".
Now Mark is taking action against Scotland's prosecuting authority, the Crown Office by bringing a "malicious prosecution" case against them.
We have lived through very dangerous times in Scotland where we face unprecedented threats not only from Covid but also to our very basic rights of freedom of expression and civil liberties.
Following the verdict in the Alex Salmond trial Scottish prosecutors (The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, COPFS) began actively pursuing independence supporters who publicly supported the former First Minister of Scotland.
Scottish authorities arrested and charged Mark Hirst for comments he made in a short video in the wake of the Salmond trial.
On the 7th of January 2021 Mark Hirst was acquitted after the Sheriff (judge) ruled “there was no case to answer”. Sheriff Peter Patterson concluded, “I do not accept [the comments made] would cause a reasonable person fear and alarm.”
Welcoming the verdict of not guilty former Scottish Government Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill MP said, “The Crown once again tarnished but justice prevails. Those damaging the institution need redded out. This is a pattern and an abuse of privilege.”
Following advice from senior counsel Mark now brought a "malicious prosecution" legal action against the Crown Office and Police Scotland.
A legal fund, by way of a crowd-funder, has been established to support this action.
This will be a historic legal action and a major challenge to the prosecuting authorities that many believe have abused their power and authority.
This is an important legal action that will reverse the chilling effect arising from the Crown Office over zealous actions in recent times that have major consequences for freedom of expression in Scotland.
Thank you for your support.
“Equality before the law is a crucial component of a civilised justice system. Just how important this value is in the mind of the public has been clearly demonstrated by the furious reaction to the Dominic Cummings affair. My concern is that the conduct of the Scottish police and Crown Office, in the aftermath of the acquittal of Alex Salmond, has failed to respect and promote that value.”
- Professor Robert Black QC, FRSE, - Professor Emeritus in Scots Law.
“Are the Crown acting as Government lawyers or impartial prosecutors? This isn’t just an abuse of process; it’s looking like an abuse of power.”
- Kenny MacAskill MP, Former Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Scottish Government.
“I’m truly outraged about these whole suspicious proceedings. Plus Mark and Craig Murray have been treated in the most disgusting repressive manner. The roots of this injustice has to be rooted out. So consider Mark and Craig have my total support.”
- Brian Cox, Actor, Director, Writer.
"Losing £24million in damages for "malicious prosecutions", blocking documents in the Salmond Inquiry, hounding journalists like Mark Hirst. Scotland's prosecution service is too close to government, too remote from natural justice."
- Iain MacWhirter - Ex BBC TV/ radio presenter. Former Rector Edinburgh University.
“Mark Hirst is a respected professional journalist and a member of our Institute. Freedom of expression in the UK means that he has the right to exercise his skills with political activism in the media.”
- Professor Tim Crook, President of the Chartered Institute of Journalists.
You can make a donation here using our secure payment methods below.
Your donation will be repaid if, as we expect, the legal action against the Crown Office is successful.
You can donate using the button below. Please contact us using the contact form at the bottom of this page if you would prefer to make a donation via BACs transfer or cheque.
Thank you again for your support and backing.
Aerial footage from Aurora Media Scot. Sky high service at a down to earth cost.
For a full insight into what is really happening in Scotland and abroad we can recommend the following sites:
Solicitor Advocate Gordon Dangerfield
Global figures back Salmond supporters
Support Mark Hirst, article by Tommy Sheridan
Lockerbie Blog Spot by Robert Black QC
Mark Hirst is an accredited journalist who has worked for STV News as a reporter and also Radio Sputnik / Sputnik News UK where he was Editor-in-Chief.
Mark was a defence witness in the Alex Salmond trial but was not called during the course of the trial. Previously Mark worked for four SNP MSPs at the Scottish Parliament. He was also the first elected Convenor of the SNP Staff Association and later a lay official with the National Union of Journalists representing SNP staff. He worked at the Scottish Parliament for a total of nine years.
He has also held various PR positions at local government level and with a Government agency.
Mark is a member of the Chartered Institute of Journalists.